About us
We love what we do and it shows!
Our Directors, Miss Rachael and Miss Mika know that teaching dance is the best job on the planet!
TAFY Dance Alaska’s mission is to build CONFIDENCE through COMPETENCE using positive experiences with the performing arts as a backdrop.

We use dance to teach life lessons!
A note from Miss Mika:
I founded The Arts For Youth in October 2007, wanting to teach a few dance classes from home as my children were still very young (2 and 4 years old at the time). I had been teaching for almost a decade and had worked with several studios, but I learned quite a bit that first session! Many of the students that were with us in the beginning are still dancing with us today and can attest to how our program has evolved with the help of many individuals and families in our community.
Since that time, TAFY has grown to include thousands of dancers and their families. I have seen my students progress as performers and as individuals. I enjoy every opportunity I have to be with them! From the effort in the studio to the lights on the stage and the bonding of the cast parties, I will always treasure the memories of those first few years!
The coming years will bring many exciting changes to our program, but the core values we embrace will remain the same. We strive to create a positive atmosphere where our students can develop confidence and self-esteem through learning the joy that is DANCE! We focus on each student as an individual, and work to impress upon each one the wonder of what they can accomplish if they will believe in themselves and give their best effort. We aim to create a family friendly environment in the studio as well as the events we sponsor.
Our motto is...
Build Confidence
Improve Talents
Live Healthy
It is our goal to help you do just that. We truly believe that through involvement in Dance, Theater, and Fitness children and adults can build an enduring foundation of skills that will help them in whatever they do throughout life. Here’s to 14 successful years and many more to come!
Mika Morford